HIFICRITIC Volume 9 No. 1
January / February / March 2015
Musical Fidelity's Merlin System
Andrew Everard checks out a complete and up-to-date vinyl-based hi-fi system that sells for £1300.
Review By Andrew Everard
Never let it be said that Musical Fidelity is behind the curvewhen it comes to developing new products: in fact, the company has something ofa track record for anticipating trends, not to mention attempting to starttrends of its own.
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Musical Fidelity represents the best of good quality hi-fi. Built on over thirty years of audio expertise, we design and engineer powerful hi-fi separates that deliver exceptional sound, high technical performance, excellent value for money and a superb build quality. Musical Fidelity M6 Vinyl Phono Stage Reviewed Switchable inputs, plenty of adjustment, accurate RIAA equalisation and a neutral sound. Musical Fidelity M6sPRX Power Amplifier Reviewed.
After all, it launched a standalone headphone amplifier in itstubular-cased X-Series range aslong ago as the mid-1990s, and expanded that line-up with then-unfashionableproducts such as a DAC, a linear power supply for multiple units, and the firstever X-series product: the X-10DClass A triode line stage. The company's SuperChargerswerelaunched back in 2007: powerful amps designed to fit between an existingamplifier and speakers, they had the simple task of boosting the power todeliver the full dynamics of the music.
In recent times MF has continued with a sometimes bafflingrange of products, from high-end amplifiers through to little boxes designed toadd all kinds of features to a system, from headphone amps to phono stages toDACs and digital interfaces, and it was also one of the first British brands tohave its own streaming solution.
So, it's not a company short on innovation – and the Merlinsystem looks like a fascinating combination of novel thinking and theaddressing of current trends. Where's a lot of the action in the audio marketat the moment? In vinyl, in Bluetooth streaming and in small systems: which isprecisely why MF covers those bases with this £1299 'Multi-Format Audio System' of miniature amp and speakers, and partnering Roundtableturntable.
In a bout of Arthurianism the company has gone back to Camelotto name its new products, but has thankfully resisted the temptation to go asdeliciously overboard with the theme as it did with the massive Art DecoMichaelson Audio Chronosof the1990. However, the Merlin and Roundtable are very much of the moment, as I discovered whenfirst encountering them at last year's National Audio Show, where companyfounder and boss Antony Michaelson was on hand to enthuse about them (doesn'the always?).
Michaelson has a very 'well, we thought we'd give it a go,so here it is' way of describing his company's products, and in typicalstyle he explained that he wasn't sure whether the new system was suitable forreview in hi-fi magazines because 'It's not for enthusiasts; it's designedfor civilians'. In common with other companies exploring new potential buyersand outlets (think Linn Kikoor mu-soby Naim), Musical Fidelity realises that we fanatics are a finiteresource, and that an entire iPhone generationis out there, with money to spend on a system if only a) they can be shown thatit'll make their music sound better, and b) no-one mentions the 'H-F'word.
The heart of this system is a Merlinamplifier that's fashionably desktop-audio-sized (just 22cm wideand 5.5cm tall) and has an absolute minimum of controls. It uses two digitalamplifier modules within to deliver a claimed 40W, or 50W maximum peak, perchannel into 4ohms, together with analogue-to-digital conversion to enablenon-digital sources to be connected, and twin, 24-bit/192kHz DACs.
A solitary pair of RCA sockets can function as either aline-in or moving magnet phono input, the required function selected using atiny switch. A dual purpose 3.5mm stereo/optical mini-Toslink input is able tohandle the signal from the headphone output of a smartphone, tablet or whatever,or up to 24-bit/96kHz digital in optical mode. A USB-B micro socket providesconnection from a computer (in place of the more common full-size USB-B): thisis compatible with files at up to 16-bit at 44.1/48 kHz, and aptX Bluetoothconnectivity is also available using an antenna supplied in the box.
It's worth noting that the USB socket seems a little morefragile than a full-size USB-B: reconnecting the micro plug for a quick listenafter this review was completed, something gave way, and the socket vanishedinside the casework, so servicing is required, so I'd suggest some care istaken with plugging this particular connection, and it should be left in placeonce it's made. (You might simply suggest that I'm a bit ham-fisted!) Thataside, however, fit and finish here seems extremely good, and both amplifier andspeakers have the feeling of being built to last. Drivers mcnex usb devices adapter.
Output is provided on a set of simple speaker terminals, aswell as via another 3.5mmcombination analogue/optical socket, with either variable or fixed leveloperation in the analogue domain – so a subwoofer can be added if required.
A standard 3.5mm headphone socket is also available, andMusical Fidelity says close attention has been paid to the quality of theheadphone section here, which is based on its standalone headphone amps. Theheadphone section also has its own volume control to avoid excessive levelseither when plugging in headphones or indeed when disconnecting them and goingback to loudspeakers. The amplifier is controlled by a 'credit card' remotecontrol for input and level; source/status selection is indicated by a row oflittle LEDs on the front panel.
The pair of Merlin 1 speakersare even more interesting, as they use a single BMR (balanced mode radiator)full range drive unit, an extruded main enclosure, and a novel 'multi-steppedbaffle' covered in a range of geometric protrusions and designed to enhancedispersion and imaging. This bass reflex design has a rear tuned port toincrease the bass, and an integral stand with two mounting points on theenclosure rear so they may be used horizontally or vertically. The speakers comecomplete with cables terminated with spade connectors, and are available insilver, black or the red of the review pair, to match the Roundtableturntable.
The turntable itself has an oversize solid plinth, mounted oncompliant feet and – like the high density MDF platter – designed for highmass and low resonance, while Musical Fidelity says the motor, arm and othercomponents have been arranged to put the centre of gravity at the point of thehigh carbon tool-steel main bearing.
The turntable has been designed to be simple to set up anduse, and comes with its 9-inch straight arm (which uses bearings that combinesteel tips, zirconium and rubber damping) already installed and fitted with anAudio-Technica AT95E cartridge. All the user needs to do is to plug in theoff-board plug toppower supply and interconnect cables, drop the platter spindleinto the bearing, and fit the round section drive-belt to the platter and motorpulley. A felt mat is provided as standard, but the turntable has no lid orcover.
The power switch is under the front edge of the plinth, andspeed is changed by moving the belt on the motor pulley: MF supplies gloves forbelt handling (to avoid contamination), an alignment protractor and stylusdownforce balance, plus an Allen key for counterweight adjustment (in theunlikely event that the cartridge is changed). The components of the system maybe purchased separately, the amp and speakers cost £799 as a package (thespeakers alone at £299), while the turntable is £599.
Straight from the box – the sample I received had previouslybeen used, so I really can't comment on any running-in effects beyond the factthe sound does seem to get a little richer and more developed after about halfan hour of use from cold – the Musical Fidelity impresses with a weighty,well-focused sound and an almost unfeasible sense of soundstage openness anddetail.
To these ears the imaging was a little tighter when thespeakers were used in 'upright' orientation, but the soundstage was ratherwider and more three-dimensional when they were used 'landscape': I suspectpersonal preference will play a major part in choosing which suits anyparticular listener. What's certain is that the ovoid Merlin1s sound unlike any other small speakers I've encountered, havingboth that unity of sound inherent in single driver designs and (with a littleassistance from a not too-close rear wall working with their bass ports), adecent amount of low-end welly – at least by small speaker standards.
Due to its compact size and computer connectability, it mightbe tempting to view the Merlin systemas a desktop audio set-up, and indeed that's a function it fulfilsspectacularly well, beingwell-suited to near-field listening due to the dispersioncharacteristics of the speakers. The amplifier is more than powerful enough torock you back in your office chair when used in this way, however, and I enjoyedeverything from music stored on my computer to movie soundtracks and radiostreams while writing this review, both with my MacMini connected via USB and from an iPadvia Bluetooth.
However, what's even more surprising is that the MF systemhas decent room-filling (or at least small-room-filling) ability. With thespeakers at the extremes of the speaker cables supplied (placing them about 2mapart), and used in horizontal orientation to give the most expansivesoundstage, the Merlin systemmanages to deliver a sound that's instantly captivating and entirelyinvolving.
Yes, it's a little limited at the frequency extremes, butthe smoothing off of the highest treble and the lowest bass is of the 'sins ofomission, not commission' kind, and more than acceptable given the compactdimensions of the whole system. Whether listening to one of the many rockstations out there on the internet, or the likes of Radio Swiss Classic (whichdoes exactly what it says on the tin), the way the Musical Fidelity sounds goesa long way to living up to the Music is OurReligion slogan you'll find printed on the manufacturer'spackaging.
The turntable, too, is very fine by the standards of decks atthis kind of level, with an initial slightly sibilant edge to some vocalsdisappearing after the Audio Technica cartridge had been run for a day or two,and – whether through the Merlin ampor some rather more ambitious amplification – a good balance of vinyl warmthand smooth detail. With tracks such as the Rickie Lee Jones cover of Steely Dan's Show Biz Kids, the assured timing, tight bass and generousimaging of the singer's voice was especially persuasive.
Try as I might, I couldn't find my ancient LP of RickWakeman's Myths and Legends of King Arthur tosuit the Merlin system, so had to settle for some gritty blues! And with rockmaterial the presence and clarity are both impressive, especially if you windthe Merlin amp up a bit. Change tack to jazz and what grabs you from the off isthe way the whole package delivers brass against a motoring rhythm section: it's clean, clear and immediately toe-tapping.
In fact, that's a definite trait of this little system: atbackground levels – or 'running in dinner party mode' as a friend of minedescribes it – the sound is smooth and inoffensive, but crank the level up andthings really start to get interesting. The bass fills out, treble detailsuddenly sparkles through and a real sense of rhythmic drive becomes apparent,alongside better orchestral scale and recorded ambience.
I have to admit to coming to this system with dividedthoughts. Yes, I expected good things given the brand, but still couldn'tquite dismiss from my mind the worry that this might be a lifestyle move toofar, and that those quirky-looking speakers might have rather more to do withstyle than substance. I really needn't have worried: the Merlinsystem, and its partnering Roundtableturntable, more than meet up to their brief, and even have a spot ofmagic going for them.
If you're after a second or desktop system, or a main systemfor a modestly-sized room, and fancy something different with more than a spotof style on its side, this compact package deserves a serious audition..
..Even if you're not a civilian.
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Type: Complete high fidelity audio system
Merlin 1 amplifier and speakers
Price £799
Speakers alone £299/pr
Inputs Line/MM phono, line/optical digital, USB, Bluetooth
Outputs One pair of speakers, line/pre- out/optical digital, headphones
Amplifier power 40W/ch into 4 Ohms, 50Wpc peak
Size 22x5.5x24cm (WxHxD)
Loudspeaker Drivers 1x6cm (approx) BMR,
Enclosure ported, extruded
Power handling 15-75W
Impedance 4 Ohms nominal
Size (WxHxD) 22x12.5x20cm ('horizontal' with base)
Accessories Remote handset, Bluetooth antenna, speaker cables
Roundtable turntable
Price £599
Type Belt-drive, DC motor, MDF plinth and platter
Tonearm 9-inches
Effective tonearm mass 14 grams
Accessories AT95E cartridge, felt mat, interconnects, cartridge protractor, cartridge balance
Size 48.2x10x34.2cm (WxHxD)
Company Information
Musical Fidelity
Voice: 0208 900 2866
Website: www.MusicalFidelity.com
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